Tips For Better Sleep

How to Reset Your Body Clock

May 31, 2019   By Jennifer Cook

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Or do you not have a regular sleep schedule at all? We’re all different regarding sleep patterns, but ultimately it comes down to your internal body clock.

Firstly, it is essential to distinguish between the body clock or biological clock and the circadian rhythm. Though closely related, your body clock (or biological clock) is your internal timing device that affects your sleep, hunger, mood, alertness, and a whole list of other bodily functions. 

The circadian rhythm is affected by the body clock. Your unique biological clock, coupled with several external factors, affects the sleep and wakefulness cycle that is part of your daily circadian rhythm.

Despite our bodies’ genetic predispositions toward specific sleep-wake patterns, sometimes life gets in the way. You work late nights at your job, you have jet lag from travelling to new time zones, or you just find yourself unable to close Netflix until 2 am. 

For whatever reason, if you have not been getting enough rest, it might be time to re-evaluate what you are doing and reset your sleep-wake cycle altogether.

How to Reset Your Sleep Schedule

Set a Sleep Schedule and Stick To It

Want to get up at a fixed hour every day? Then it’s time to set a strict bedtime and train yourself to wake at a particular hour. This process may take a while, so be patient. If you’re currently waking later than you’d like, try slowly easing yourself into waking up at a new time, getting up 10 minutes earlier each day until you find what works for you.

Having a sleep routine can help regulate your snooze time and keep your circadian rhythm from going out of whack. Consistently pulling all-nighters or being assigned to do shift work can make it challenging to get a good night’s sleep. That’s where excellent sleep hygiene becomes a factor.

Read: We Tried Using a Sleep Calculator for 5 Days and Here’s What Happened.

Ecosa Tip: Make your bedtime routine more enjoyable and your bed space more appealing, so sleeping earlier doesn’t feel like a chore. Listen to calming music and stay away from work. Read a good book or try mediation.

Regulate Your Exposure to Light

One of the most critical factors that regulate circadian rhythm is light exposure. Our bodies naturally respond to the presence of light, so to help you get up at the desired time every day, make sure you have a light source that gradually wakes you up.

Try leaving your curtains open to let the sunlight in. You can also try to get a light therapy alarm clock to help you get up if natural light won’t work for your sleep schedule. Waking early for work in winter doesn’t lend itself to natural light! 

It is also essential to know when to avoid sources of bright light. Part of setting a good bedtime routine is knowing when to stop looking at your computer screen and put your phone away for the night. The blue light emitted from these devices can mess with your circadian clock and make it harder for you to sleep when trying to start a new sleep-wake pattern.

If you want better sleep quality, you can start by limiting your exposure to electronic devices like cellphones, laptops and tablets. These gadgets emit artificial lights that work as external cues that put the synchronicity of your body’s master clock out of rhythm. Keep that in mind whenever you feel like sacrificing quality sleep for more social media time, don’t.

Watch What Time You Eat Before Bed

Eating before bed significantly impacts sleep quality and internal clock more than most people realise. In a study conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Surrey on meal timing and how it regulates human circadian rhythm, ten men’s mealtimes were adjusted to three different schedules, and findings show that there is a considerable effect on the synchronisation of their circadian rhythms.

It’s best to stick to a standard mealtime schedule every day. It makes sense that constantly shifting when you eat changes when your body processes food, disrupting the schedule that your bodily functions should run on and making it harder to set a different time for your body to start winding down and, subsequently your wake times.

Watch What You Eat Before Bed

Caffeine is a no-no before bed. Caffeinated beverages like coffee, soda, energy drinks, and tea keep you awake at night and prevent you from falling asleep at the desired hour.

It is also best to avoid consuming alcohol before bed. While it can make you tired and make you think you’ll sleep better, alcohol can result in lighter sleep, leaving you feeling groggy the next day.

In terms of the type of food you consume throughout the day, one study indicates that diets high in saturated fats and low in fibre result in lighter and more disrupted sleep overall.

So, while you may not be having a cup of coffee or a glass of wine before bed, your diet could affect how you reset your circadian rhythm. A healthier lifestyle can help you sleep better overall. If you’re looking for ways to sleep faster, you can try natural supplements instead of chemical-based ones.

According to sleep specialists, a proper diet, aside from keeping you physically healthy and fit, can also lessen the risks of sleep disorders like sleep apnea. It can also prevent daytime sleepiness, so that’s a plus!

Make Sure Your Bed Is Comfortable

If you’re not getting a great night’s sleep, don’t underestimate the importance of a great mattress and bed sheets.

The right mattress can prevent back pain through proper spinal alignment, and a great set of sheets and pillowcases can also be good for your skin and hair. If you’re worried about body temperature, you should get sheets that are both durable and breathable for a cool, dry, and healthy sleep.

Perfecting your sleep environment can make all the difference to your sleep patterns! 

Read: How Sleeping on a Silk Pillowcase Can Improve Your Skin and Hair

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